Yesterday was a long day at work. It wasn't bad, just long. I was supposed to meet up some friends for dinner, but I was just too tired. My roommate had left for vacation and I planned on just putting on a movie and falling asleep.
And then my phone rang.
The neighbors on the other side of the duplex are two guys that my roommate and I are friends with. One of the guys isn't moved in yet, and as we all work, the chance to get together had not presented itself.
As I answered the phone, I have to admit--I inwardly groaned. Hadn't I just turned down dinner with other friends? All I desired of the evening was quiet relaxation and a very early bedtime.
It was my neighbor. He and a mutual friend were at his side of the house and they wanted to give me a tour. I figured how long could it take? Sure, I would take a tour. That could be fun.
He showed me around, pointing out different things. His almost child-like excitement made me smile. When we got to the kitchen, he mentioned that they were making a big dinner that night...and insisted I join them.
We're neighbors now, he reasoned.
So off they started on this meal, my neighbor and two of our friends. We had chicken quesadillas, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, salad, noodles and cheese, was absolutely incredible.
I cut up lettuce.
That's it.
When I tried to do more or asked what they needed help with, I was told to relax--they didn't need help with anything. And after dinner, they cleaned up and did the dishes.
I was truly in awe. On this night when I was exhausted, I was presented with friends, an amazing dinner, and a cleanup crew. I had to do virtually nothing.
The generosity. The serving attitude. A "thank you" did not seem sufficient for the gratitude I felt no matter how emphatically it was said. As much as I've searched, I have found only one phrase that can sum up my evening:
I am blessed. Thank you, Lord, for neighbors like mine.
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